Декември 2014, Истанбул.
Причината – уъркшоп по импровизация.
December 2014, Istanbul.
The reason - a workshop on improvisation.
Отивайки в огромния мегаполис с разтворено сърце, там получих любов, споделяне и усещане за в
Истанбул е грамаден и все така поразяващ и изненадващ те на всеки
сантиметър. Имаше много сила в носещите се звуци, преплитащи се и създаващи
вихър в небето. Тълпите от хора бяха това, което ме тласкаше като вода, не беше
изгубващо, а подкрепящо.Тук споделям с всички вас няколко снимки. Също направих и първото си видео.
Не съдете строго ;) . Това е първият ми опит.
Going with dissolved heart into the huge metropolis, where I
received love, sharing and felt at home. Istanbul is immense, yet every centimeter is striking and
suprising. There was a lot of power in the swirling sounds; intertwined, they
created a vortex in the sky. Crowds of people drove me like a stream of water,
and I was not feeling lost but supported by them.
Hours in the hall filled me with excitement. The group was
great. I am happy that we traveled together, riding the waves of improvisation
and searching for ourselves in instant composition. Breathing - walking -
scanning - a sense of center, a sense of balance - gravity -vizualization – I -
awareness - provocation - innovation. I am grateful for the feedback I received
and for everything that happened in this workshop. It was a real joy to be
there and give.
Here I share with you all some pictures. I also made a video. Do not judge strictly ;)
This is my first experience!

The Video
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