Sunday, 4 October 2015

Across a troubled world


 The team of this project is Griet Menschaert - Holland, Bob Georgeson - Australia and Denitsa Dikova – Bulgaria.  

  In 2014 we started an idea for a collaborative project in which video, painting and dance would be combined in an installation.

Thursday, 1 October 2015





"Koimo",  videodance  

           Director, camera and editor: Denitsa Dikova
    Choreographer and dancer: Glòria Ros
 Barcelona, 2015.

Un Lugar

"Un Lugar" is music - dance performance.
It was part of  "Lange nacht der kirchen", 29.06. 2015 in Vienna, Austria.

Dance: Francesca Arcuri, Denitsa Dikova, Ariel Ugiza
Choir director: Paula Barenbuem


This is the collection of pictures coming after the creation process of "To The Last". They were in exhibition in Centre Civic Barceloneta and Antic Teatre in June 2015, on the days of performance of the piece. This pictures, together with some unpublished ones, are for sale. Interested contact

Това е колекцията от снимки, събрани и идващи от репетиционния процес на “To The Last”. Те бяха изложени  в Centre Civic Bаrceloneta и Antic teatre през юни 2015г., в дните на представлението. Тези снимки, заедно с други непубликувани, са за продан. Ако се интересувате, моля пишете на: