Authors/performers: Deniza Dikova (BG) & Glòria Ros (SP)
Music: Ángel Faraldo
Mentor: Julyen Hamilton
Lights: Enric Alarcón
Costume designer: Agostina Silva
Graphic designer: Carles Ros
Previous performances:
4th June 2015, Premiere “Contemporanis a la Barceloneta”, Barcelona.
25th June 2015, Experimental Room Festival 2015, Teatre Antic Barcelona.
Movement and sound performance, based on improvisation.
All audiences.
Duration: 40 minutes.
“To The Last” is a performance for two dancers and a musician, build on a structure and developed on stage through improvisation.
In essence, the piece is a journey. It travels backwards on time and follows the vortex motion, always digging deeper in its own content. The complete immersion in the core of each scene gives a form and an intention to actions and sounds. In return and because of their specificity, they become permeable containers of meaning. The information they carry manifests along a path of opening – expansion - collapse into a single point, which recalls back the whole piece and releases it.
The piece is performed by daring to give time and space for each element to be alive in its simplicity and fullness, by daring to allow this to resound and to absorve it. This is the particularity of this work.

Photographers: Valeri Kunov, Pablo Rogero and Experimental Room Festival.
Click the picture to see the
"To The Last" exhibition photographies
by Denitsa Dikova.
"To The Last" exhibition photographies
by Denitsa Dikova.
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