Sunday, 4 October 2015

Across a troubled world


 The team of this project is Griet Menschaert - Holland, Bob Georgeson - Australia and Denitsa Dikova – Bulgaria.  

  In 2014 we started an idea for a collaborative project in which video, painting and dance would be combined in an installation.

Thursday, 1 October 2015





"Koimo",  videodance  

           Director, camera and editor: Denitsa Dikova
    Choreographer and dancer: Glòria Ros
 Barcelona, 2015.

Un Lugar

"Un Lugar" is music - dance performance.
It was part of  "Lange nacht der kirchen", 29.06. 2015 in Vienna, Austria.

Dance: Francesca Arcuri, Denitsa Dikova, Ariel Ugiza
Choir director: Paula Barenbuem


This is the collection of pictures coming after the creation process of "To The Last". They were in exhibition in Centre Civic Barceloneta and Antic Teatre in June 2015, on the days of performance of the piece. This pictures, together with some unpublished ones, are for sale. Interested contact

Това е колекцията от снимки, събрани и идващи от репетиционния процес на “To The Last”. Те бяха изложени  в Centre Civic Bаrceloneta и Antic teatre през юни 2015г., в дните на представлението. Тези снимки, заедно с други непубликувани, са за продан. Ако се интересувате, моля пишете на: 


Tuesday, 29 September 2015

Feldenkrais Workshop

September 2015, Barcelona

Feldenkrais Workshop in Nunart with Ariel Uziga.
Photography: Denitsa Dikova

Monday, 13 July 2015

Under The Skin

She is Gloria Ros. This pictures are made between two dynamics. They are part of pause in which we were rediscovering light, nature, body and momentum.

Тя е Глория Рос. Това са кадри направени между две динамики. Те са част от пауза, в която преоткрихме светлина, природа, тяло и инерция.

Tuesday, 19 May 2015


Следващата седмица 29.06.2015 г., 22:15 Виена


Музикално - танцов пърформанс

Танц: Francesca Arcuri, Deniza Dikova, Ariel Uziga
Хор режисьор: Paula Barembuem
Vokalensemble: Der Schwarm

Next week on 29.06.2015, 22:15 Vienna


Music - dance performance

Dance: Francesca Arcuri, Deniza Dikova, Ariel Uziga
Choir director: Paula Barembuem
Vokalensemble: Der Schwarm

Sunday, 12 April 2015

" To The Last ", Research


The work in progress poster

Hello everyone!

This post is an invitation for you to be part of the creation process of my new piece in colaboration with Gloria Ros ( Spain ). I will regularly post videos and pictures to update you about the work and keep alive the following crowdfunding campaign. 

Click to open the page of Experimental ROOM Festival

Click here to open the link

Everyone! For four months we have been sharing with you the development of this project. Thanks to your support, and with a looooot of work, we had a first presentation of the piece. An important step on the creation. It went very well!
The premiere of the complete work is in 10 days, now we really need a last push. Please send the link to friends and family, share it with colleagues and contacts. Donate if you can and wish to do so.
Thank you for being with us!

- The collected money from now on will be used for the fees of our wonderful team of technician, video maker, musician and photographer. Without them, this would not be possible either. -


Denitsa Dikova and Gloria Ros.

4th June 2015
First presentation "To The Last"

     For the first time there has been an exhibition of my pictures. The selected photographies were exposed in Centre Civic Barceloneta. They will be shown again in Antic Teatre during Experimental ROOM Festival, where the PREMIERE of To The Last will take place.
The pictures were made during the creation process of To The Last and they are to sell as part of the crowdfunding campain. Contact me if you were interested in seeing them, to support us by the purchase of one of them.

Monday, 23 February 2015

Paradox 4x4


Tuesday, 17 February 2015



За тези, които следят случващото се около мен и се вълнуват от работата ми бих искала да споделя няколко неща.

Активността ми в момента е насочена в работен процес по създаването на "Парадоксът 4x4 според Йохан Себастиан". Проект, които спечелихме заедно с Ивайло Димитров. Процесът е дълбок и изключително вълнуващ и надграждащ. Все още нямаме дата за премиера, но обещавам, ще се разбере.

През март заминавам за Барселона, където ще работя заедно с Глория Рос по "To The Last", това ще бъде първият ми международен проект. В момента сме в етап на натрупване на материал, преди физическия процес започващ през март. Тези, които не са видяли течащата кампания, могат да я видят тук. Благодаря на всички, които застават зад инициативата и подкрепят с дарение и споделяне.

Много нови стъпки.
Движението е неспирно.  


For those who are watching what is happening around me and excited by my work I would like to share a few things.

My activity is currently focused on workflow creation of a "Paradox 4x4 as Johann Sebastian". Project, which won with Ivaylo Dimitrov. The process is deep and extremely exciting and upgrade. We still have no date of premiere, but I promise you will understand.

In March I'm going to Barcelona, where I will work with Gloria Ros in "To The Last", this will be my first international project. We are in the stage of accumulation of material before the physical process beginning in March. Those who have not seen running campaign can see it here. Thanks to all who stand behind the initiative and support by donating and sharing.

Many new steps.
Movement is incessant.


Thursday, 12 February 2015

GoFundMe To The Last

                 To The Last GoFundMe from Denitsa Dicova on Vimeo.

Натиснете върху снимката/Click on the picture

Saturday, 31 January 2015


The NEWS !!!

Check This Out!!!
Вижте това !!!

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Thursday, 15 January 2015


Порив след първото отваряне на очи.